Papua New Guinea is an island country located in the western part of South Pacific, and it is the second largest country in Oceania and a member of the Commonwealth, including about 600 large and small islands such as the eastern half of New Guinea, the nearby Bismarck Islands and Bougainville Island etc. Its name consists of two parts: Papua and New Guinea, which comes from the names of islands.
Papua New Guinea is one of the less developed countries in the world. Its economy is dominated by agriculture which accounts for 32% of the total economy. Major exports include mineral and agricultural coffee, cocoa, coconut, palm oil, rubber, wood and seafood. Up to 2013, the total population of Papua New Guinea is 7.05 million, making Papua Guinea the second largest country with the second largest population in Oceania, second only to Australia. The birth rate is 30.52% and the mortality rate is 7.5%. Because of its mountainous and rugged terrain, the domestic land traffic is very inconvenient, and the sea route is very inconvenient, too. Its capital of Port Moresby has opened roads to most of the cities in the country.
Australia is the largest partner of Papua New Guinea, and after Papua New Guinea became independent in 1975 Australia assisted Papua New Guinea by about $ 11 billion.