To local economic and information technology committee, provincial public institute concerned, scientific research institute concerned, Shandong Association of Automobile Manufacturers, related companies,
Based on the content of 2016 cross-straits work conference organized by leading group from the communist party of China shandong provincial party committee, and the requirement of organizing 1000 SMEs to make an exchange with their Taiwan counterparts in the next two years, Shandong Economic and Information Technology Committee and Taiwan Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Shandong Province make a delegation to attend Cross-Straits Electric Auto Industry Complementary Development Forum, the 11th AutoTronics Taipei, the 5th EV Taiwan (Taiwan International Electric Vehicle Show) , and organize a series of activities to help Mainland SMEs to know more about Taiwan counter-industry and counterparts. The details are as follows:
I. Mission
According to the requirement of general office of People’s Government of Shandong Province to organize 1000 SMEs to make an exchange with their Taiwan counterparts, cross-straits exchange and communication in research and development, production and promotion of electric auto should be done, which will benefit transformation and upgrading, innovation-driven development of Shandong province.
II. Activities
1.Cross-Straits Electric Auto Industry Complementary Development Forum
2.the 11th AutoTronics Taipei (Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 1, Apr. 6-9, 2016)
3.the 5th EV Taiwan (Taiwan International Electric Vehicle Show)(Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 1, Apr. 6-9, 2016)
III. Exhibition Date
April, 2016
IV. Exchange Method and Content in Taiwan
Exchange Method: exchange between the same industry of Mainland and Taiwan, exchange between the same enterprises of Mainland and Taiwan
Exchange Content:
1.The development situation and future trend of Mainland and Taiwan electric vehicle industry.
Current situation, advantage and disadvantage, problem, development trend, breakthrough, barrier of cross-straits electric vehicle industry will be focused, two parties will seek the coopration and development opportunity together.
2.Technology research, promotion and experience share between Mainland and Taiwan electric vehicle industry.
Innovation, design, research, promotion model of Taiwan electric vehicle will be focused, government system for monitoring and support concerned will be constructed, promotion and application of new technology will be shared.
3. The 11th AutoTronics Taipei and the 5th EV Taiwan (Taiwan International Electric Vehicle Show) further exchange with enterprises and association of Taiwan will be made. Advanced production, operation and management model of Taiwan will be focused. We will learn advanced technology and experience about Taiwan enterprises in the automotive electronics products, electric vehicle components and batteries, engine management and power systems, brake control and suspension and chassis systems, battery and battery modules, battery control systems, motor and drive control system, charging station, and seek cross-straits cooperation in electric vehicle field.
V. Preparation for Delegation Organization, Business and Trade Project
The activity should be attached great importance to. People in charge and enterprises concerned will be organized to participate in the delegation. Brief introduction of attendees and cooperative project list of products concerned.(Attached Form 1)
VI. Procedures to Taiwan Visit
Checklist for Taiwan Visit
I. Recent identical photos colour and white taken against a plain white background. The frame size is 37.8mm*55mm.
II. Colour copy of your national identity document (two sides).
III. Colour copy of Hukou pages of individual and householder
IV. Copy of employment certificate (please print in the paper with letterhead from the Chinese employer with chop on the right, the content of chop should be the same with letterhead, attached Form 2)
V. Colour copy of business licence ( in original of employer)
VI. Individual Resume (send Word version to our E-mail address attached Form 3)
VII. Application Form for the Entry and Exit of the People of Mainland to Taiwan (send Word version to our E-mail address attached Form 4)
VIII. Re-entry to Taiwan (Colour copy of the last page and previous visa page of Book for Mainland Resident to Taiwan)
IX. Colour copy of valid Book for Mainland Resident to Taiwan
Please send to before Feb. 29, 2016. If another things should be done, we will inform you in advance.
Charge(attached Form 5)
Attached Form 1 Intended Cooperative Form for Attendees of Mainland
Attached Form 2 Employment certificate
Attached Form 3 Individual Resume Example
Attached Form 4 Application Form for the Entry and Exit of the People of Mainland to Taiwan
Attached Form 5 Charge Criteria
Contact Us
Zhang Di Wang Yujun Wei Xiaolin Qiu Hong
Tel: 0531-86086103 86010173 86097846
Fax: 0531-86098045
Add: Floor 4, No. 9 BLD, Pearl Spring Hotel, No.1 Yuanqian Street, Jinan
Post Code: 250011