The opening ceremony of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank was conducted in the morning of January 16, 2016 at Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing. XI, Jinping, State President of the P.R.C., attended the opening ceremony and made a speech.
XI, Jinping pointed out that China put forward the suggestion of establishing the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank in October 2013, and it is officially opened today.
The establishment and official opening of Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank is undoubtedly of great importance for the reform of and improvement in global economic governance system, complies with the trend of adjustment to and evolution of the global economic situation, and is conducive to promoting the development of global economic governance system towards a more fair, reasonable and efficient direction.
XI, Jinping pointed out that the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank shall pursue open regionalism and make mutual complementation with the existing multilateral development banks. In the mean time this bank shall add new vitality to the existing multilateral system by virtue of its advantages and characteristics and promote the mutual development of the multilateral institutions in a bid to making great efforts to building itself into a infrastructure investment and fund-raising platform featuring mutual benefit, win-win, professionalism and efficiency.
XI, Jinping emphasized that China is an active participant and beneficiary of international development systems and is also a constructive contributor.
XI, Jinping pointed out that 2016 is the starting point of China’s “Thirteenth Five-year Plan”era. China has faith in and is capable of maintaining the substantial and sound development of the economy, creating more and more opportunities for as well as bringing more and more welfare to Asia and all countries around the world.
At last XI, Jinping pointed out that the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank is a bank for all the member countries and a bank for promotion of regional as well as global mutual development. We are looking forward to and firmly believe that through joint efforts made by all member countries, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank is destined to grow into a professional, efficient and incorruptible new multilateral development bank in the 21st century, thus becoming a new platform for establishing a community of common destiny for us humans, making new contributions to the development and prosperity of Asia and the whole world and increasing new forces for improving global economic governance.