The Argentine Republic is a presidential federal republic of 23 provinces and the federal capital (Buenos Aires), it is located in the southern part of South America, it borders Chile, Bolivia, Paraguay, Brazil and Uruguay, and it faces Atlantic in the southeast.
Argentina and the United Kingdom share sovereignty dispute in the Malvinas Islands (also known as the Falkland Islands), which is put under control by the British. At the same time, Argentina also advocates sovereignty to the Antarctic continent with a total area of 1 million square kilometers.
Argentina is a member of the Association of South American Nations, the Group of 20 and Latin America's third largest economy. Argentina is one of the strongest developing countries in the world in terms of comprehensive national strength. Argentina is also one of the world's major producers and exporters of food and meat.
Argentina benefis from its rich natural resources, the high level of cultural attainment of its people, the opening-up policy and pluralistic economy, so Argentina has a large middle class compared to other Latin American countries.