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Central Africa

Central Africa is a landlocked country in the middle of the African continent, known as the Central African Republic in full. It has a total area of 622,000 square kilometers, formerly known as a manor of the French Ubonji Xiali, and is one of France’s colonies in Africa.

The east part of Central Africa borders on Sudan and South Sudan and borders Congo (Brazzaville) and Congo (Kinshasa), is adjacent to Cameroon in the west, amd neighbors  Chad in the north. The country has a total of 32 tribes, mainly including Baja, Banda, Sango and Manji Albanian and so on. The official language is French, and Sango is also in common use.

Central Africa is one of the world's least developed countries published by the United Nations. Its economy is dominated by agriculture, the industrial base is weak, and more than 80% of its industrial products are imported. Its fiscal revenue in 2012 was $ 341 million, with fiscal expenditure of $ 357 million. Per capita GDP is $ 500, and inflation rate is 5.9 percent.
